Short Instructions

How to assemble the game kit, write your own code and publish your results?

• Put all components -apart from the battery clamps-  into the circuit board and solder them to it. The battery clamps are fitted on the back.

• The construction guidelines help you to put all parts in the correct positions and the instructions for soldering show how to solder without creating bridges or dry solders.

• Install the free programming tool Arduino.

• Add the MIGNON GAME KIT Library. You find the download „“ under files at

• Install the USB Treiber for MIGPROG.

• Now you are able to programme your own game! Help is available through the instructions for programming, the examples, and the overview of functions in the appendix.

• You can publish your experiences and results on the MIGNON GAME KIT homepage.

• Find a title for the programme you have written. If you describe it in a brief paragraph and design a logo, it can become a popular download.

© olaf val, 2025