game controlled?

The “Mignon Game Kit” is a kitset which enables a minimalist “Gameboy” to be individually designed, programmed and constructed. Workshops and online instructions enable advanced learners to invent and programme their own games. In this way the do-it-yourself console of the “Mignon Game Kit” provides not only the opportunity for basic experiments with micro-electronics for first time users but can also be used as a platform for individual computer games. As opposed to conventional Gameboys the user develops a personal relationship to his device through the processes of self-production and individually determined programming.

How to assemble the game kit, write your own code and publish your results?

The “Mignon Game” reduces mobile game consoles such as the Game Boy or the “Play Station Portable” -and along with those interactive digital media per se – to their minimal level on which they function symbolically.

Olaf Val (born 1968) grew up in Hanau and Frankfurt, Germany. After his studies at the Academy of Art, Kassel, he was awarded his diploma at a post-graduate course at the Art Academy For Media in Cologne. Val put on a multitude of exhibitions in Germany and Internationally. Since 2003 he works as a freelance artist and since 2004 he works as a lecturer, too. Apart from exhibitions Val facilitates workshops, stages performances, and produces game kits that are sold via the Internet.

[Picture: DIGIGRIPPER, 2007]

© olaf val, 2025